
The Friday Five, Issue 19

Welcome to the Friday 5!

Every Friday I will highlight 5 things I am currently loving.  This can be anything from habits that are currently serving me, clothes, apps, people I am currently loving, podcasts, food, mom hacks and everything in between! 

What I am currently loving:

My Golden Goose Sneakers

I really struggled with this one for a while.  I’d see people around town wearing these sneakers and I love the look of them, but I just couldn’t see spending that much on a pair of sneakers.  But then Anna Mae Groves, if you are not following her you should be, talked about how much she loved hers and why she thought they were a good investment.  First of all, they go with everything.  Loungewear, dresses, skirts, shorts, you name it. The cut of the shoe around your ankle is so flattering that it just works.  Second, the entire shoe is made of leather, like a high-end heel.  Inside and out, leather.  Which means, like a heel, you don’t have to wear socks.  There is no stink and they just mold to your foot.  And third, they are the most comfortable pair of shoes I own outside of my running shoes.  The sole is thick and has a ton of cushion, without being heavy.  Honestly, once I made the plunge and bought these, they are my most worn shoe.  I know they are a HUGE investment, but so far, I think they are worth every penny and I have had mine for more than 6 months.  If you are interested in trying, I would suggest ordering from Nordstrom, for free shipping and returns.  You can find them on Ebay and third-party sites, but that would make me nervous if I wasn’t 100% sure I would want to keep them.  They are whole sizes only, if you are in between, size up.

Simple Mills

I learned about Simple Mills while doing nutrition with Tayler at Evolve Studios.  All of their products are made with whole foods and have simple clean ingredients.  I am hooked, they are so good.  Their pancake/waffle mix is a family favorite, the pumpkin muffin is amazing, and all the crackers are my absolute favorite.  These are the only crackers I buy now.  The girls love them too and they are a must on our snack boards for dinner. Almost all of their products are made with almond flour, if not it is all seed based, and they use coconut sugar, rather than refined sugar and no artificial ingredients.  All of this is so much better for you.  Obviously, they are more expensive than the bigger brands at the grocery store, but they go on sale frequently and I usually stock up on all of our favorites.  Also, the pizza crust…it’s my FAVORITE.

Y Shaped Vegetable Peeler

I didn’t know this existed till about 4 years ago.  Do you know about this?  We always had the old school peeler that I gives me anxiety about peeling my finger off every single time I use it.  The Y shaped one is a game changer.  It is so much more effective, and I feel like I have better control of it than the other one.  If you don’t have one, I highly suggested adding this to your kitchen gadget drawer.  You will not regret it.

No TV or Screen Time Before Bed

This is a habit that is really hard for me, but so effective when I stick to it.  I have been experimenting with this for a couple of months, really trying to pay attention to my quality of sleep when I am able to avoid screen time for at least 30 minutes before I fall asleep.  I don’t always accomplish this, but it makes a huge difference when I do.  I am lucky that I really don’t have sleep issues, I can fall asleep relatively easily and usually stay asleep all night.  However, I can tell a difference the following day in how well rested I feel when I do this.  When I spend the last thirty minutes to hour before I fall asleep taking a bath, drinking my tea and reading I rest so much better.  I find I don’t have as vivid of dreams or don’t spend the night dreaming of to do lists and stressing about the events of the next day.  I wish I could say I do this every single day, but I am not that good at it yet, but I am trying.  And, I think you should to, it’ll make a difference.  Promise.

Pimple Drying Cream

I had seen Landyn recommend this a few times but had never thought to purchase it.  I always used toothpaste on pimples to dry them out, so I thought I really didn’t have a need for it.  But I was in Ulta a few months ago to get some concealer and spotted this by the checkout.  That section is it the worst, I end up impulse buying all sorts of stuff while waiting to check out. This was one of them.  I thought to myself, you are a grown up, stop putting toothpaste on your face and try the real deal.  This stuff is amazing.  It smells like calamine lotion and is probably very similar in composition.  I will put it anywhere on my face at night that feels like a pimple is coming up and it almost completely goes away overnight.  An added bonus is that the directions say that you should not put it on an open wound, so, I cannot pick at the pimple and then apply it.  So, it keeps me from picking at my face, which we all know is just horrible for you.  I have been really working on getting my acne under control this past year and I think this has been one of the biggest helpers for the hormonal pimples that inevitably pop up every month.

I hope you found something helpful or inspiring in this week’s Friday Five! I’ll have 5 new favorites to share with you next week, have an awesome weekend!