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The Friday Five, Issue 29

Welcome to the Friday 5!

Every Friday I will highlight 5 things I am currently loving.  This can be anything from habits that are currently serving me, clothes, apps, people I am currently loving, podcasts, food, mom hacks and everything in between! 

What I am currently loving:

Cauli Berry Smoothie by Bare Nutrition Health

photo by bare nutrition health

This is my go-to breakfast every day.  Part of the reason I do this every day is to eliminate one decision for the day. It also helps to simplify my grocery shopping each week as I know exactly what I need.  I’ve started doubling the recipe each day, so Matt and I each have one for breakfast.  You can find the recipe here, I have recently traded out spinach for romaine and do not add collagen.  I add collagen to my coffee every morning, you can read about my favorite brand here.  I love that I start my day with several servings of vegetables, healthy fat and protein.  It keeps me full for most of the morning and is easy to sip in the rush of the mornings or in the car on the way to school.  Pro tip, use frozen riced cauliflower.

Ninja Blender

Speaking of smoothies, you gotta have a good blender.  I know everyone talks about a certain $500 blender as being the best, but when I started making smoothies I just couldn’t bring myself to make the investment.  I really wanted to see how often I would actually make smoothies and would eventually make the investment.  Well, I am going on 3 years of using this blender every day, sometimes 3 times a day and I don’t have a complaint.  I even bought the expensive one on prime day this year to see what all the fuss was about, and I couldn’t have been more disappointed.  It danced all over my counter, I couldn’t fit as much and it took FOREVER to blend my smoothie.  The Ninja has a “smoothie” setting and I just set it and forget it.  Depending on how much frozen stuff I have, I sometimes have to run it twice but that is my only complaint.  The new version now comes with a food processor attachment and can shred, slice and grate too.  If you are in the market, this is the best bang for your buck in my opinion.

TheraICE Sleeve

Last year I really struggled with knee pain and swelling, this was the best thing I found to help with everyday discomfort.  I worked with a physical therapist to correct issues in my hip that was causing the knee pain (3 kids in 3.5 years can really put some stress on your body) and icing in between visits really helped with day-to-day pain and swelling.  Sitting down to ice my knee during the day and getting the ice in all the right places was the big challenge for me. I was tying several ice packs to my knee with a kitchen towel when I thought there has to be a better way to do this.  The beauty of this sleeve is you can wear it on basically any joint and be moving around while you ice, which is ideal for a busy mom like me.  I cannot recommend this enough; it made such a huge difference for me.  If ordering, I would size down as I think mine has stretched out over time and I would prefer it to fit snugger.

Lululemon Tank

I bought 2 of these tanks at least 6 months ago and they are my most worn tanks to work out in and just to wear.  The fit is perfect with everything, they are lightweight and cool.  Finding just the right tank or tee can be such a challenge, I don’t know why, but the perfect one is hard to find.  I have washed them about 100 times, I hang them to dry, and they have held up great.  Now that I am thinking about it, I will probably order a few more with the Lululemon gift cards I got for my birthday and Christmas.  So, if you are looking for the perfect tank, look no further.  You’re gonna love this one.

Freezer Containers

If you watched my stories this week, you know I finally got around to cleaning out my food container cabinet.  It was long overdue, a lid or two would fall out every time I opened the cabinet.  These are my absolute favorite container to store leftovers and freeze food in.  This container makes it so much easier for storage.  It takes up less room in the fridge and freezer.  I use these for freezing everything.  From fresh shrimp, soups, spaghetti sauce and batch cooked meat.  The options are endless.  If your New Year’s Resolution includes cooking more, start doubling your recipes and freezing the extras for a rainy day.

I hope you found something helpful or inspiring in this week’s Friday Five! I’ll have 5 new favorites to share with you next week, have an awesome weekend!

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