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The Friday Five, Issue 22

Welcome to the Friday 5!

Every Friday I will highlight 5 things I am currently loving.  This can be anything from habits that are currently serving me, clothes, apps, people I am currently loving, podcasts, food, mom hacks and everything in between! 

What I am currently loving:


photo by History Channel

This might be my current favorite show!  I can’t believe how much I enjoy it.  It is a must watch for Matt and me every week and I am so glad it is coming back this summer.  The new season premiered on June 3rd on the History channel, but some of the previous seasons are currently streaming on Netflix.  The premise of the show is 10 “survival experts” are dropped into the middle of nowhere and are challenged to survive alone.  They are also tasked with filming their journey, no camera crews accompany them.  They must set up shelter, find food, make fire, protect their home from wildlife, etc.  It is fascinating what the contestants know about wildlife, hunting, plants that are food and how to create a shelter out of nothing.  They are all competing to be the last man (or woman) standing for a $500,000 prize.  Some of the past winners have survived over 80 days.  I’m pretty sure I couldn’t go 5 hours in the wilderness.  So, if you are looking for something fun to watch this summer, I cannot recommend Alone enough.


If you have been following me for any length of time you have seen me using Spicology seasonings.  They are some of my absolute favorites and make great gifts for anyone who loves to cook.  I gave my father in law a gift set a few years ago for Christmas and he is still talking about how much he loves it.  I even have the gift set of popcorn seasons, which is so fun to make different flavors for each family member.  My most used seasoning is the taco, I put it on both meat and veggies, and it has the most amazing flavor.  Outside of the amazing flavors they offer, I love their packaging.  Each jar has a list of things that would be good with each flavor, most of which are flavor combinations I would have never thought of.  Think raspberry chipotle rub in brownies, margaritas and marshmallows.  Doesn’t that sound amazing?  I would highly suggest one their gift boxes as the small 1 oz jars will last longer than you think and will be an amazing way to try multiple seasonings.

BKR Water Bottle

This is one of many finds I have Tayler at Evolve Studios to thank for introducing me to.  I am super picky about my water bottles (high maintenance really).  I want to be able to put it in the dishwasher, the spout that you drink out of has to be just the right size, I don’t want a straw and I really don’t love the taste of drinking out of stainless steel.  See, high maintenance.  I would really love it to fit in my cup holder in the car, but I will give that up for the amount of water it holds.  This specific one is 32 ounces, so it’s my goal every day to fill it up 3 times.  That’s easier to keep track of than 6 times if I use the 16 ounce one.  The rubber exterior makes it easy to hold on to, almost unbreakable (my heart stopped when Ruby knocked it out of my hand), it doesn’t sweat and something about it just makes me feel cool.  I have two and have washed them both multiple times, they have held up perfectly.  If you are looking for a reusable water bottle this summer, I bet you would love it too!

Bare Nutrition Health

photo by Bare Nutrition Health

If you follow me on Instagram, I am constantly tagging Bare Nutrition in what I am cooking.  I get so much inspiration from their feed and content every week.  It is run by 3 sisters: Rachel, Lauren and Jill.  They focus on holistic health tips and recipes that are plant based and nutritious.  I know if I get a recipe from their blog or feed it will be delicious and full of real food.  I also get so much inspiration for overall health and well-being from them, their monthly newsletters are full of great tips and challenges.  If you are looking to cook healthier or to just get some dinner inspiration, go follow them now.  You will get so much more and will learn a lot along the way!

Storing Fresh Herbs in Water

I have tried a few times to grow my own herbs, but I just don’t have the thumb for it.  I can keep most plants alive, but anything that needs to be harvested or trimmed frequently, I am no good.  I am so absent minded about it.   I have started using fresh herbs more and more, they are so delicious, but was getting so frustrated at how quickly they would wilt once I got them home.  Then I remembered that I had seen someone online suggest storing cilantro in the fridge in a mason jar full of water.  I thought, duh, they are plants, they need water to survive after being cut.  So, I have started storing my herbs in water in the fridge.  And y’all, I had a bunch of cilantro that lasted for a month!  As you may know cilantro is a little temperamental, so I cover it loosely with a ziplock bag which keeps it protected.  Everything else has done great just in the water in the fridge.  I have a jar full of parsley that has been in the fridge for over 3 weeks and it still looks good as new.

I hope you found something helpful or inspiring in this week’s Friday Five! I’ll have 5 new favorites to share with you next week, have an awesome weekend!