Blog,  Travel

The Friday Five, Issue 17

Welcome to the Friday 5!

Every Friday I will highlight 5 things I am currently loving.  This can be anything from habits that are currently serving me, clothes, apps, people I am currently loving, podcasts, food, mom hacks and everything in between! 

This week is a special treat, as one of my best girlfriends, Elizabeth wrote this week’s post.  I thought it would be interesting to hear from Liz because she has a completely different perspective than me.  Liz is an small business owner, single and has fur babies.  She wanted to share her top 5 tips on how to share your life with your career, which is a struggle for everyone these days. 

So a little about Liz, 10 years into her insurance career, she and a colleague were presented with the opportunity to run their own agency. After much thought and discussion, they knew it was an opportunity that couldn’t be passed up. She and her partner jumped in feet first and have been doing their best to navigate the waters of a small yet quickly growing business. With just the two of them at the helm, there are no more “work hours.” All hours are work hours.  She is truly enjoying this adventure, but sometimes has to stop and remind herself to separate life and work.  Here’s what she is currently enjoying.

What Liz is Currently Loving:

Finding Your Moments

I’m up each morning and out of the bed by 6:00 to walk the pups before my day starts. Sometimes if it doesn’t get done first thing in the morning, it doesn’t get done at all. When we get back from our walk, I have a fresh pot of coffee waiting for me. Part of my morning routine is to set aside 15 minutes after my walk to enjoy my coffee and the quiet morning. No phone, no tv and no laptop. I like to look at these 15 minutes as taking the time to “press start” on the day. I think about everything or nothing. I reflect but I don’t try to solve problems. No matter how busy life is, I know that I can always find the time to take 15 minutes.

Finding Your Challenge

Photo by Yoga with Adrienne

For a lot of us our work is challenging – whether your job is inside or outside the home. I feel like I am routinely trying to fit a round peg into a square hole with my job. One of the things I love so much about my line of work is the fact that it can be very challenging at times. That said, it can be refreshing to be challenged in other aspects of life. I was not raised in an athletic household so as an adult when I was introduced to the gym by my best friend, I had no idea what I was getting into. I found out that I actually enjoy working out and being active. But for someone like me, it’s a challenge. I can easily get bored and find myself lost which causes me to lose interest. I want to work out, but I don’t always know how. I enjoy running but after 5 days of cardio, I want something new. I have found that incorporating Yoga into my routine helps to shake things up. I try to do Yoga with Adrienne at home 2-3 times a week. It’s especially good for those busy days when I just can’t make it to the gym. I have come to realize that routinely working out is my out-of-office challenge and I’m determined to conquer it.

Finding Your Friendships

I am fortunate enough to have a close-knit group of friends. My girlfriends and I have been friends for almost 20 years now. We’ve watched each other accomplish a lot and have been there for one another when life threw a curve ball. We live in an age now where everyone is in constant contact. I text with my three girlfriends almost constantly. Technology makes it so easy for everyone to stay in touch and keep updated on each other’s lives. But there is something to be said about actually spending time together. With husbands, careers, and kids at the forefront for us it can sometimes be difficult to make sure we spend quality time together. Before we know it, months could go by without us having actually seen one another. When we are finally able to coordinate schedules and spend real quality time together, I am always glad we did.

Finding Your Retreat

I recently discovered a little town in Mississippi called Ocean Springs – have you been? It’s adorable! I’ve been 3 times now in about 9 months. The atmosphere of the town is “relaxing”. There’s no other way to put it.  It’s less than a 2-hour drive from where I live so it’s close enough for me to do a quick overnight trip. Spending the night in Ocean Springs at one of their darling Boutique Inns is just what I need when it’s time to reset. It reminds me to slow down & enjoy my surroundings. The downtown area is small enough to put everything in walking distance but big enough that you can spend an entire day walking around shopping at one of their many Boutiques or Antique shops before you’re ready to eat in one of their delicious locally owned restaurants. If you haven’t been, I highly recommend booking a weekend the next time you feel like your ready to get away.

Finding Your Energy

I love coffee.  I drink coffee every day because I genuinely enjoy it.  I can remember being as young as 10 sitting around the dinner table after Sunday lunch and joining all the adults with a cup of coffee.  I drank it black, just like my Dad.  Although, I added about half a cup of sugar.  Over the years my preference has varied, taking half and half, heavy cream or flavored cream.  I’ve officially circled back to black but with just one spoon of sugar these days.  But it’s sometimes nice to have a “coffee treat”. And I don’t mean Starbucks.  If you are an avid coffee drinker like me then you have got to a try a Vietnamese Iced Coffee – you’ll love it!  It’s traditionally made by slow dripping a strong hot brewed coffee over a glass with about two tablespoons of condensed milk in the bottom of it. Then adding ice and stirring. The combination makes for a rich, nutty flavor with just enough sweetness. I like to visit our local Vietnamese restaurant for lunch & order my coffee when I order my food – the coffee slow drips while I eat and is ready by the time I’m done. It’s perfect for when I need a little afternoon pick me up and want something sweet.

written by Elizabeth Cassagne