Springtime is the best time, am I right? I went on a walk yesterday and the smell of jasmine blooming all over our neighborhood just makes me so happy! Another trend for Spring is clothes that spark joy or “joyful dressing.” It’s no surprise that this is popular after the spring we had in 2020 where we basically never left the house. I saw a quote somewhere recently that said something about the fashion of the Roaring 20s. And how we will all be getting dressed up every time we leave the house now. I know I am more excited than ever to put an outfit together for an event…
Spring Trend: Blazers With Jeans
One of the biggest trends for spring is blazers with jeans. Specifically, blazers with shoulder pads that are slightly oversized. I generally pride myself on not being too trendy, however, I knew I could make this trend work for me. Because I worked in a professional setting for more than a decade, which required a blazer more often than not, I’ve had my fair share of pulling an outfit together that involved a blazer. But a blazer, with jeans? I probably haven’t done this since college. Anybody remember that? With a broach? We rocked some pins on our blazers in college. So, I pulled out the one blazer I…