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My Spring Flowers

I wanted to share with you guys everything I planted this year.  I am hoping this will be my third year to keep everything alive and have added a few more pots around the backyard this year.  I typically have a black thumb, but am getting better and better at this. 

All of these spots get partial to full sun every day, so they need to be hearty enough to stand the heat and if I forget to water them for a day or so!

I had previously bought some pre-made mixed pots of flowers at our local garden store, but really wanted to try making the mix for myself this year.  I wanted to keep all the blooms white and then add in different shades of green to give it dimension. 

I knew I wanted to do white Mandevilla in these pots after seeing how beautiful and full they can get when I visited the Henry Smith House.  Their gardens were immaculate and I was so inspired to come home and get some. These planters are heavy iron pots that the previous homeowner left for us and I just gave them a new coat of spray paint a few weeks ago, I am so happy with how they turned out!

The pre-made arrangements I had gotten in the past to go on either side of the pool always had something tall in the middle and sweet potato vine trailing out of the sides.  So I used Angelonia(Angel Mist), Trailing Vinca, Tri-color sweet potato vine, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Jet Black and Senecio Candicans(Angel Wings) mixed and matched in each of the mixed pots. 

I am loving how everything is filling in already and the Angel Mist smells amazing!